Chihuahua Puppies
Welcome to Nursery.
On this page You can learn about puppies born in our kennel this year.
Also You can take a look at their pedigree and their parents’ studbook, view photos and videos of the puppies.
Puppies were born letter "I"
Sold Germany
Melody Black Sea Indiana Jones 🇺🇦
Melody Black Sea Indiana Jones 🇺🇦 - born 03.03.2020 .
Puppies were born letter "Z"
Melody Black Sea ZORRO 🇺🇦
Melody Black Sea ZORRO - born 06.11.2018 .
Blood of the leading nurseries of the USA 🇺🇲️, Italy 🇮🇹️️️, Russia 🇷🇺️ .
Boy has cute muzzle, short nose, , beautiful color, perfect bite, 6:6 scissor.
Straight back, correct tailset, strong bones, middle size .
Fluffy, nice coat quality.
Reserve kennel
Melody Black Sea ZODIAC 🇺🇦
Melody Black Sea ZODIAC - born 06.11.2018.
Blood of the leading nurseries of the USA 🇺🇲️, Italy 🇮🇹️️️, Russia 🇷🇺️ .
Boy quality. has cute muzzle, short nose, , beautiful color, perfect bite, 6:6 scissor.
Straight back, correct tailset, strong bones, middle size .
Fluffy, nice carroty coat
Puppies were born letter "J"
Melody Black Sea Jackpot 🇺🇦
Promising boy for show and breeding, blood of the leading nurseries of the USA 🇺🇲️, Italy 🇮🇹️️️, Russia 🇷🇺️.
Very handsome,bright color,good anatomy, beautiful head,teeth 6x6 scissors bite, brave character,interesting pedigree
Delivery to any country
Reserve kennel
Female №1
Мelody Black Sea Jet Set 🇺🇦
MELODY BLACK SEA JET SET born 20.03.2018
Promising girl for show and breeding, blood of the leading nurseries of the USA 🇺🇲, Italy 🇮🇹, Russia 🇷🇺.
Very handsome,bright color,good anatomy, beautiful head,teeth 6x6 scissors bite, brave character,interesting pedigree
Not for sale
Reserve kennel
Female №2
Мelody Black Sea Jazzy Mood 🇺🇦
Promising girl for show and breeding, blood of the leading nurseries of the USA 🇺🇲, Italy 🇮🇹, Russia 🇷🇺.
Very handsome,bright color,good anatomy, beautiful head,teeth 6x6 scissors bite, brave character,interesting pedigree
Not for sale
Puppies were born letter "Е"
Boy №1
Мelody Black Sea Echo Happiness 🇺🇦
Great show promising male AVAILABLE
CHIHUAHUA - FCI (Ukraine).
Interesting pedigree. American (DAZZLES) 🇺🇲 , Italian 🇮🇹 and Russian 🇷🇺 blood
Color - red,
Teeth 6х6, scissors bite, excellent top line, beautiful head, strong bones
Delivery to any country
Boy №2
Мelody Black Sea Enjoy Every Day 🇺🇦
Great show promising male AVAILABLE
CHIHUAHUA - FCI (Ukraine).
Interesting pedigree. American (DAZZLES) 🇺🇲, Italian 🇮🇹 and Russian 🇷🇺 blood
Color - fawn,
Teeth 6х6, scissors bite, excellent top line, beautiful head, strong bones
Delivery to any country
Puppies videos
"E" puppies were born on 03.12.2017. Two handsome longhaired boys. The little beggars are waiting for their best loving parents.
It’s cold outside, but warm and comfortable at home. The boys are growing and learning new things. All the girls are taking an active part in bringing up the puppies. It’s so interesting to watch the adults teaching the kids to play, showing them how to drink water. Childhood is such a wonderful time! And it’s especially splendid when the childhood is full of fun in a friendly family!
Puppies for Sale
Information about Chihuahua puppies available for sale.

Our Breeding
This section contains information about puppies which were born in our kennel.
Our Dogs
About dogs and puppies of our kennel, their photos, videos, pedigree.
Our Page
The story of the creation of Melody Black Sea kennel. All our services.
Puppies were born letter "D"
All the puppies found their home
Puppies videos
Litter "D" puppies were born on 03.04.2017. The boys have already found their families and loving parents, the girl stayed in the kennel.
In this video all the puppies are still together, growing up and exploring the world! It’s spring outside, sunny and good warm weather, it’s fine to run and play in the yard, hide in the grass and catch grasshoppers. Together it’s fun and not scary at all even if you see a big dragonfly! Childhood is such a wonderful time!