This is our first Chihuahua. Our love for the breed has begun particularly because of her! She is the eldest, the smartest and the tenderest! Sonechka knows your mood through your eyes when you come into the house. After assessing the situation she knows exactly what to do as to make you laughing!

It is sad that “Cross the stream where it is shallowest.” Are you smart, Ponochka? I am unpredictable, I will jump across. That’s the best way to describe! She is very smart and fawning, but always sees her own way. If she walks on someone at night, no one will even snarl at her! Ponka goes, she needs to!!!

Man’ka! She is fond of being called Marya! Clever, haughty and exiting! Self-respect is for all 100 percent! How it is possible to ask someone to pick her up in the arms and at the same time making clear that she doesn’t mind to be picked up!! Marvelous! It’s a great pleasure to be with her!
From the time of my adult and independent life, there have been always dogs in our house, the big dogs! My husband and I were fans of the Black Terriers. And now a fine specimen of this breed lives in our house, it’s our favorite terrier Joey, "Chelobaka" as we call him. Chihuahuas appeared kind of suddenly. Up to now many of our friends can’t believe imagining us with small dogs... It’s a prejudice, and I thought the same: small dogs are only in your arms and on the pillow. But it's not about Chihuahua!!! And that’s how it happened to be.
At the exhibition there was a ring of Chihuahuas and passing by, I glanced at the little beggars’ performance, then stood staring and realized that I wanted that little wonder! The milestone anniversary of our life together was approaching, and everything seemed to be written on my face, so my husband and my beloved Black Terriers’ breeder Anya arranged and began looking for a nice puppy girl at the kennels. Of course, I was aware of their plot, but it was twice as nice! And finally that day has come. Congratulations, wishes of happiness and serious face of my husband, trying to hide a smile: "I took the tickets, tomorrow we are going to Kiev." To my question: "Why?" - "For your puppy girl Chihuahua." That was how I met a beautiful person and Chihuahua breeder Natasha. I was returning home with a double pleasure, there was Sonata (Sonia) in my arms and a new great person appeared in my life! That was just a miracle! The holiday was a success!
Sonia and Joe got on well very quickly. Every time we came home, we were sure to find "a sweet couple" together. Sonya was on Joe, and they looked out of the window, waiting for us. I remember the first walk with Joey and Sonia and my words, "Let her go to Arcadia, and then I'll take her in my arms." She reached Arcadia and returned back. Since that day I’ve realized that through they are small, Chi are the dogs with a big D, and now we walk together on an equal footing to the terrier! We both fell in love with this breed and two more girls arrived to us -Ponochka and Manya. We began to live as one united family or pack)))
These wonderful creatures give so much love and mellowness, and nowadays during that time of trial when we are full of concerns and sometimes it is necessary to deal with not very sincere people, by crossing the door step of your house you just forget about all worries and vanity! You are welcome, very welcome, just delighted by your coming, and you're sure one hundred percent that you are loved, truly loved and welcome! Just because you are! It is worth much!
That is how the idea of our own kennel has appeared and our story has begun, our sonata, the kennel name came by itself -MELODY OF THE BLACK SEA.